Actio libera in cause means that the persons who have capacity of full liability or limited liability get stuck in the state of limited capacity for duties or no capacity for duties intentionally or neglectfully and cause the emergence of a certain objective factor of criminal constitution. 原因自由行为是指完全责任能力人或限制责任能力人故意或过失地陷入限制责任能力状态或无责任能力状态,并在此状态下导致某一犯罪构成客观方面出现的行为。
Method: Medical diagnosis, capacity for duties and the relationship between them in were analyzed in 74 cases who committed arson and accepted forensic testimony. 方法:对接受司法精神医学鉴定的74例纵火犯罪嫌疑人的一般资料、医学诊断与责任能力的关系进行分析。